Many municipalities, industries and property owners often cringe at the idea of shaking out a few nickels in their budgets for a proper leak management program. While there is a vague understanding that keeping their water inside of their pipes is more convenient, it is often not a priority, and as long as it's nothing major, we can suffer through a little while longer. After all, next year may be more convenient. Here's a few thoughts that just may get a few Supervisors, CEO's and property owners to take a harder look at their budgets and search their couch cushions a second time for that much needed loose change.
The Obvious; Money! For any water company or industry, water through a meter is "the cash register!" All the expense to locate the water, develop the water, drill for the water, purify and distribute the water means little if it is allowed to be poured back into the ground, down the drains and into the local rivers and streams. Water, the commodity, is how these industries make money, pay salaries, and generally, allow life to exist in an urban/suburban setting. This loss of revenue affects everything in the Municipal/Industrial world.
The impact on customers and residents. Loss of clean water to drink or bathe in. Increased water rates straining the budgets of everyday residents. Thereby, reducing the amount of money spent by these residents in the community. That lack of spending affects other salaries, as well; limiting business owners. Damaged infrastructure caused by main breaks washing out and collapsing roads or slowly infiltrating and undermining buildings and structures creates a need for increased taxes. This increase in taxes limits the flow of money within the community and inhibits the growth of business via decreased spending within the community.
Costs and health are just a few things that can come into play when water system leakage goes uncorrected. With minor budgetary adjustments, an effective water loss prevention program can be put into place that can more than pay for itself in the short run and in the long haul. The savings can be priceless!
Utility Survey Corp. has been in the water loss prevention business for almost 30 years. We can prepare an audit program that can decisively bring clarity for any water system and implement a process with the latest state-of-the-art leak noise correlators.
Save some money and give us a call.
Utility Survey Corp. 800-825-9283
Stay tuned for additional impacts water loss can have in our next blog post coming soon!