Today, another boring utility locate was completed.
>No fanfare, no celebrations, just a perfectly executed locate!
Client’s needs perfectly addressed and communicated
Locate equipment used with skill and efficiency
Utilities marked clearly with defined borders
All information appropriately communicated>
A ground penetrating radar survey completed and expertly interpreted
Yup! The systematic execution of monotony on full display…
And with that tedium also came the elimination of:
The sounds of the alarms of the EMS personnel.
The lost revenue from damaged infrastructure.
Loss of income from closed businesses while utilities are repaired.
Forlorn faces from grieving families due to lost loved ones.
But thankfully, there was another boring locate done.
A locate that offers peace of mind, brings forth vital information and is a catalyst for the betterment and advancement of infrastructure and people everywher, both urban and rural.
The Technicians here at Utility Survey Corp. believe boredom is a good thing.
They prefer the monotony of client satisfaction. The tedious sounds of everydaylife going on undisturbed. The daily drudgery of normal life, everything working and life moving!
So, move along then, there’s nothing to see here.
It’s boring anyway..
If you believe in OUR KIND of BOREDOM please call Utility Survey Corp. for information on our full spectrum of services